Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Teddy bears picnic

Week 4 the letter of the week is  "Tt" so we had a teddy bear party.
We ordered our teddy s in size order too.


  1. Look at all those wonderful teddies. I hope they had fun learning today too. Alistair's mum.

  2. I feel really sad that I missed out on all the fun Room 1 but I did get to visit your teddies earlier in the day. What a day! Cake stall in the morning and teddy bear picnic at lunchtime. There's a whole lot of learning happening again tomorrow so I hope you get some rest tonight.

  3. It looks like you were having fun with your teddy bears room 1.
    From: Alexia & Balmeet.

  4. Hi room 1 and 2 I like your teddies.
    By Jamila and Natasha room 23

  5. cool teddys room 1 an 2 from room 12

  6. nice teddies room 1 and 2 you should come and see our blogs by Elaine room 12
