Sunday, February 28, 2016

teddy adventure

Thanks for helping us name our teddies... we called them Cuddles Bear and Coco Gorilla. They have been going on lots of adventures at our houses. 

Please help us name our two teddies so they can start going on adventures with us in the weekends.
Comment below with your name ideas.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Our igloo

Update week 8-

Update: week 6 - 
Take a look at our progress on our class igloo. Made from milk bottles.
Please keep bringing them in to our class so we can finish it.
Please make sure they are completely washed out and keep the lid on.

Junior assembly

Well done Ethan, Dash, Riley, Sophie, Layna and Alistair on receiving a merit certificate. Excellent effort in class keep it up.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Cake stall

Today we went to the cake stall to help raise money for year 6 camp.
They raised $900!

Teddy bears picnic

Week 4 the letter of the week is  "Tt" so we had a teddy bear party.
We ordered our teddy s in size order too.

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Cool Schools....

During week 3 we have been learning about conflict. 
What is conflict and what it looks like at home, in the classroom and in the playground. 
Also how to deal with it in a positive way. 

Friday, February 19, 2016

Whole school assembly

Well done to the children who participated  in Travel Wise week and the library challenge over summer.
Also congratulations to Liam and Natalie who received a disposition certificate.
Ka pai ☺

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Walk to school week.

Tuesday- Hilarious Hat Day

Remember to talk to your parents about the pedestrian signs and draw a picture of you walking to school safely ready for Friday. 

Monday, February 15, 2016

Travel wise week.

Travelwise week. Walk to school instead of driving.
Monday- funky feet, wear crazy socks :)

Today we got to learn some football skills. Check us out! Join after school to learn more skills and have fun playing Football.